About Kittybat Art
A wild Kittybat appeared!
Also known as Delwyn (they/them) — and sometimes a handful of other names. They are a queer, disabled artist in their late 20s based in Denver, Colorado living with their spouse and cat.
Starting in their youth, Delwyn has enjoyed working with numerous mediums and has continued diversifying what they study and use, willingly accepting new and challenging techniques. As such, there’s little you won’t find them working on (and available in their shop!) — acrylic and watercolor paintings, lithograph prints, bracelets and keychains, stickers, and so much more. Their portfolio is available here and updates regularly.
Please check out their FAQ for some answers to many of your burning questions.
For professional (and unprofessional) inquires, please contact them via their socials, contact form, or hello@kittybat.art.