About Kittybat Art
what is #localkittybat?
Kittybat Art doesn’t hesitate to be loud and proud about their beliefs surrounding social justice issues. As such, they’ve created an entire line of “slaps” (graffiti stickers) that can be placed wherever you please.
These are available on their shop individually or in bundles.
Click here to be redirected to their shop to purchase your own!

So, what is #localkittybat? Well, it’s a hashtag you can use when posting photos of your slaps! Kittybat Art encourages posting photos of your stickers with the hashtag #localkittybat on your Instagram, Twitter, Bluesky, etc. They’d love to see where they end up! :3
DISCLAIMER: Kittybat Art is not responsible for any unlawful behavior or legal trouble you may run into while placing slaps/stickers. Kittybat Art encourages placing slaps/stickers in appropriate places but affirms no responsibility where they end up being placed. The buyer of the sticker is wholly responsible for placement of slaps/stickers.